Thursday, December 9, 2010

final work

Well, now that my presentation is over and done with, it's time to really buckle down and work on the final draft. I've been working on it a lot in my spare time, but I've also had a lot of other papers and finals to prepare for.

I've taken a lot of Micalee's comments for my final draft and added a lot of new information that I found about patriotism, which I tried to touch on in my presentation. Hopefully all I have left to do with my final is cleaning up the language and making sure that it flows right.

I was really impressed with all the presentations in class.  I think everyone did a great job and I learned a lot about some things I knew nothing about. Great Job Everyone!

As this is most likely my last blog post I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed this class (even though I might have had some attendance issues).  It really helped me figure out a path of life that I just wasn't meant to go down, I was previously a history major but this class helped me figure out that I just wasn't cut out for it, my mind just doesn't think like a historian. However, I'm still glad to have taken the class and enjoyed learning about labor history.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your presentation! Hopefully your final draft is going well! Kinda sad to hear that you don't think that you're cut our for history, but I'm glad to hear that you are making changes and figuring out what college is all about!
