Thursday, December 9, 2010

final work

Well, now that my presentation is over and done with, it's time to really buckle down and work on the final draft. I've been working on it a lot in my spare time, but I've also had a lot of other papers and finals to prepare for.

I've taken a lot of Micalee's comments for my final draft and added a lot of new information that I found about patriotism, which I tried to touch on in my presentation. Hopefully all I have left to do with my final is cleaning up the language and making sure that it flows right.

I was really impressed with all the presentations in class.  I think everyone did a great job and I learned a lot about some things I knew nothing about. Great Job Everyone!

As this is most likely my last blog post I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed this class (even though I might have had some attendance issues).  It really helped me figure out a path of life that I just wasn't meant to go down, I was previously a history major but this class helped me figure out that I just wasn't cut out for it, my mind just doesn't think like a historian. However, I'm still glad to have taken the class and enjoyed learning about labor history.

Monday, December 6, 2010

New Stuff!

wow am I even gladder that I didn't present on Thursday than I was before, I presented it to myself and it was a lot shorter than I thought it would be. about 5 minutes shorter. I looked on youtube to look for a clip from Gone With The Wind because it was the only movie I could think of that portrayed wealthy southern white women in the way that I think of them. So I added that on there with a little more information about the confederate women spies during the war. Hopefully, I'll keep everyone entertained tomorrow.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

a little nervous...

well i was very nervous today that I would have to present and I'd forget everything that I wanted to say when I was up there (this happened to me in speech class in high school a few times).  Luckily, I wasn't called on to present today, although I was ready and had everything written out I'm really glad that I have an extra few days to rehearse. 

Everyone's presentations were great today! at 8:30 in the morning I usually have trouble getting out of bed let alone paying attention but everyone had my attention and really put their all into their presentations.  I really enjoyed Sean's lesson plan and activity (I was really beginning to become impressed with my face drawing on those pumpkins!)

Good Job to everyone who went today and Good Luck to everyone who has yet to go.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

well i awoke this morning with a case of the flu, so much for that flu shot i got a month ago.

hopefully this won't interrupt my work on my presentation this week. i've been working really hard on trying to find interesting facts, pictures, letters and other works of writing that will make my presentation as interesting as it can be.  Hopefully i won't bore everyone to sleep with my powerpoint.

Monday, November 22, 2010

some late night thoughts.

finished up my book review tonight. feeling alright about it. wrote it on TGAOA. i really liked the orphan story, not so much the rest of  the book though.

thinking of ideas for my final presentation, probably going to be a powerpoint because it's the only thing i'm decent at making.

going to try my best to take my final paper in a slightly different direction after my talk with Micalee about my rough draft. need to go way more in depth and find some more primary sources. i had a lot of trouble finding those but since it's based off the civil war there should be tons. still got a ton of work ahead of me.

on the plus side, i get to go home tomorrow for thanksgiving and i've never been happier. thanksgiving's definitely my favorite holiday and i've been really missing my family and friends from back home.

Monday, November 15, 2010

finally done

just finished my rough draft and i have to say that i'm felling rather strange about it.  i can't tell if i'm glad to be done, or if i'm worried that it wasn't done good enough.  good thing it's only a rough draft right? now i'm just sitting down to proof read it and then i'll send it to the printer.

i came to a final conclusion on defining "community" for my conclusion paragraph. i really like how it ended up and am hoping that it fits the assignment well.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

so i've been writing my life away on this rough draft and i've gained a new perspective i thought would be interesting to add in.  Comparing the communities of the southern domestic woman to those of domestic women today. i thought tying the old to the new might be a good perspective and a new direction to really give my paper some life. i'm going to work on that a little and get back to you with how it's going.